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Accelerating Success: How Suger Helps Sonrai Achieve Rapid Growth and Efficiency

Suger customer

“Working with Suger has been incredible. For any alliance leader looking to streamline their processes and enhance their marketplace presence, Suger is the solution.”

Lauren Haefling

Partnerships and Alliances Leader at Sonrai Security
Sonrai, a leading provider of public cloud identity and access management solutions, was founded in 2017. It continuously analyzes over 42,000 cloud permissions to categorize and risk rank them. In 2024, Sonrai successfully launched a new product, Cloud Permissions Firewall, exclusively on the AWS Marketplace through Suger, achieving ACE within one hour and doubling their deals within a month.
Efficient AWS Listing and Co-sell Management Saves 160 Hours
As a rapidly growing startup with limited resources, Sonrai needed an efficient way to maximize impact and achieve revenue goals on time. After consulting with the AWS partner team and numerous alliances, everyone strongly recommended Suger.
Suger’s API-first design ensures seamless integration with AWS, Azure, and GCP, eliminating the complexities of manual integration. By integrating with the Suger console, Sonrai quickly got a new marketplace listing running and enabled Salesforce integration within two weeks without any engineer resources. Learn more in our Get Started Docs.
image (6)Enhance Collaboration and Opportunity Management

Building partnerships with the hyperscalers and co-selling is crucial for a startup. This new process involves collaboration across multiple departments, including product, sales, and revops. Disparate tools can easily create information silos, increasing cross-department communication costs and potentially leading to customer complaints and product issues.

Suger's one-stop co-sell management streamlines the entire sales-operation-finance process. Its simple and clear dashboard and powerful data visualization unify different roles. Finance and operations can accurately and in real-time prepare for upcoming billings through Suger’s private offers and usage metering notifications. Sales can immediately port activities from Salesforce into ACE operations. With Suger’s flexible field customization and Salesforce integration, sales and alliance leaders can check all inbound referrals from cloud partners and automatically create new contacts in their CRM. Check it out here.

Within just one month of listing, Sonrai saw incredible results with co-sell engagement with AWS. Watch the video to learn more about how Sonrai achieved more with less!


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